
Christine is an artist who brings Michael Chekhov’s principle of creative individuality to life in her work on every level.
— Joanna Merlin, Actor and Casting Director, last surviving student of Michael Chekhov

Artist’s Statement:

I am deeply moved by the redemptive and transformational power of acting: giving up our bodies and voices to bring the unconscious into consciousness, to make the invisible visible, and to allow the unspoken to be spoken. I take this power seriously and with responsibility for the images and impressions I create and the stories I tell.

I have been profoundly influenced by the creative techniques pioneered by Michael Chekhov, Jerzy Grotowski, Marissa Chibás, F. M. Alexander, Kristin Linklater, Merry Conway, and Roy Hart. I seek to create performances that are wildly imaginative, shimmering with presence, brave, and deeply compassionate for the foibles of being human.​

It has been a great gift to work with living playwrights, which has led to sustained relationships in the development of new plays, including Nothing But Victory by Ginger Lazarus (Plays in Place/Lyric Stage in 2022 & 2023); The Women Who Mapped the Stars by Joyce Van Dyke (Poets’ Theatre 2017/Central Square Theater 2017); and Epimythium by Daniel McCoy (Simple Machine in 2013 & 2014).



selected productions


VoiceOver Work

Here are example of Christine’s work as a VO Narrator:

John Adams Courthouse Trailer